Friday, December 11, 2009

How do I get rid of age spots, acne scars, and regular scars?

also how do diminish dark under-eye circles and puffy eyes?

i need somthing that really works so please give me whatever worked for you!

thanks! ;)How do I get rid of age spots, acne scars, and regular scars?
no way ,How do I get rid of age spots, acne scars, and regular scars?
Acne scarring is perhaps worse than the acne itself.

My acne scars weren't horrible. They probably weren't even that noticeable after I put on my foundation. However, I certainly noticed them and that was all it took to bother ME.

If you've got acne scars, you may feel a bit helpless. But you don't have to because there are alternatives to getting rid of acne scars. And you CAN do something about it.

So what do you do about it? Well, there is totally a solution ... actually there are many.

These are NATURAL treatments.

Now, just because you hear the word ';natural';, I don't want you to shake your head and think you need to just buy some over the counter miracle cream. These remedies WORK! And you'll find that by consistently using them, your acne scars WILL fade just like mine did.

So without further ado, here are my favorite natural acne scar solutions:

Vitamin E

Don't underestimate the power of this healing lotion. You can get it at any drugstore in topical form. I have a HUGE bottle of it under my sink :) . Vitamin E naturally heals scars by moisterizing the damaged skin. Use it everyday to fade away acne scars.

Cocoa Butter

This one should be used carefully. If your acne is not already under control, cocoa butter does pose the threat of additional breakouts. However, if you're using the 3 Day Cure technique and your skin is finally clear, this is a powerful healing tool. Cocoa Butter will soften skin, lighten the scars and make them fade into nothing. I love this one. By the way, Cocoa Butter also works great on fading stretch marks.


Okay, this is totally gonna change your life! Honey works overtime on acne %26amp; acne scars. Yes, Honey! When I first learned about this natural remedy, I was pretty bewildered. The sound of it alone is confusing. Honey is a sticky, sugary substance. How can it possibly clear up skin?

Honey kills bacteria while simultaneously lessens the red look of irritated skin. The acidity in the honey evens out your skin tone, shrinks current pimples and will give your skin a softer feel. Listen, I know you may be skeptical of this solution. I was at first, then I tried it. This natural acne scar remedy works great.


Lemon will help clear up acne as well as fade acne scars. Plus your face will smell like a freshly shined harwood floor, so that's a plus ;)

The acidity in the juice will lighten the redness of the scars and balance your skin's pH levels to prevent future breakouts. Give it a shot.

You can find a lot of other natural acne treatments and acne scar treatments through the source link below.

Eyes: Check your diet.

Many people are intolerant to dairy products - cheese, milk, processed foods.

Drink more water.

Skin (general):

Take Vitamin E, Cod Liver Oil, fresh oily fish (like mackerel).

Avoid processed foods. Sugary or 'diet' fizzy drinks.

Regular scars:

Vitamin E directly on to them. Cream E45.
Application of cream with vitamin E and C helps in reducing the dark circles. Check out for more info.

Vitamin E prevents acne or pimple scarring and can also be used to fade old scars. Use cucumber or other fruit and vegetable packs to cure pimple scars. More such solutions at
For age spots = Tri-luma. It's available online for about 100 per tube, and it takes a little time, but it works.

For under eye darkness, try vitamin k in oil form applied to the area.

Never had acne.

Don't know about scars.

Good Luck.
the old cucumber trick worked for me! where you get 2 slices of cucumbers, and place them over your eyes for about 10 min. for scars, there are soooo many things at stores that will make scars disapear.
Mederma. Right by the moisturizers at the drugstore.
Theres lla kinds of advertizing about that stuff on television.. :]

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