Friday, December 11, 2009

I have major left over scars from acne, What's the most naturalist way to get rid of them?

Like any food ingredients or something

Thanks!I have major left over scars from acne, What's the most naturalist way to get rid of them?
microdermibration works, but you have to ask a doctor about it. Im having it done.I have major left over scars from acne, What's the most naturalist way to get rid of them?
There are several treatments available for removal of acne scars and the type of treatment depends on the type of scarring. Again, ask your doctor on which treatment or combination of treatments is right for you.

. Dermabrasion. The skin is either frozen or numbed and a machine is used to remove damaged skin, allowing new skin to grow. This is not to be confused with microdermabrasion, which will not help remove acne scarring.

. Laser Resurfacing. As the name implies, this involves the use of laser to remove the old damaged skin so a new skin can grow in its place. Laser Resurfacing is challenging the dominance of dermabrasion in the field of skin resurfacing.

. Chemical Peels. This procedure uses acid which is applied to the skin to remove the top layer in order for a new smoother layer to grow.

. Punch Technique. This procedure removes the pitted scar and the wound is closed and allowed to heal. Three techniques are available: Punch replacement, Punch excision and Punch elevation.

. Subcision. This procedure detaches the scar from deeper tissues, which allows a pool of blood to form under the scar. This pool of blood then clots and helps form connective tissues under the scar, helping it level off with the surface.

. Augmentation. A material is injected under the scar to bring it level to the surface. Collagen or one's own fat is most often used in this procedure.
uh you should really just be glad to have skin and glad that you even have a body. stop being a baby. apparently something wasnt right when your skin got acne, and your skin cared enough to get better, girl quit complaining.!

Sound familiar? You tell an adoptee to shut their yap and be grateful but you beg for help to be ';pretty';?

I hope you are left with visible scars forever, it might teach you compassion for others who's scars aren't as apparent.
Pineapple juice has a good amount of ascorbic acid which acts as a good bleach for the skin, so when applied often and washed after 10 or 15 minutes help a great deal in reducing acne,pimple scars. More such solutions at
I had the same problem. There is a lot of junk out there - but I found this stuff that got rid of my

acne in 3 days..... Here is the review I found on it..
clinique has a skin correcting blemish stick it might not be the most natural way but it definately works or sunscreen might help
Well maybe you should see a dermatologist just in case something doesn't work. :)
  • Fish
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