Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you get rid of tough acne?

I wash my face twice a day but i am very active and sweat a lot outside i have a lot of acne most of it is the same color as my skin and is just bumps except for around and on my nose its all blackheads i have tried over ten different products and some work better than others any ideas what to do and would it hurt if i washed it three or four times a day?How do you get rid of tough acne?
i know exactly how you feel i have acne too but mine turn red cause im light i get it pretty bad ive used everything let me tell you but you theres one thing that actually helps clean my skin i just wash my face with dial soap antibacterial (the gold one) i use that first and gives my face a good clean and im now using murad i dont know if it works though i barely bought it i would go to the dermatologist but no insurance so thats that i guess. oh yeah proactive didnt work for me.How do you get rid of tough acne?
If you are serious about getting rid of acne:

Visit a dermatologist!

Acne is, after all, a skin condition. In fact, what you have might not even be acne vulgaris (common acne) at all, but a different type of follicular disorder with similar symptoms. You might even have acne alongside another skin condition, in which case it is wisest to diagnose and treat both of them.

Different acne products work for different types of acne, which is why there is a disparity in your results, and acne is not the only skin condition which can cause comedones (blackheads/whiteheads). It is just a symptom.
go to a dermatologist and ask about Acutane, it's the best thing I have ever used in my life. It's a pill, and it's amazing. My face is so clear. It honestly works, no bull ****. I highly reccomend it. And it doesn't cost hardly anything if you have insurance.

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